Advanced Input


This section contains advanced input techniques which may lead to buggy code in your program if they are not used correctly.

The default technique to get user input is already described in UIScreen, and that should be the preferred way to obtain user input. However, if the default technique is not enough for your situation then read the text below to find out how to implement custom input.

Input handler classes

Input handler classes are classes created to obtain user input. If required InputHandler can block an application until user input is received.

This class can be instantiated everywhere in the code and used to ask for user input:

handler = InputHandler()
handler.get_input("Shut up and give me your input:")
if handler.input_successful:
    user_input = handler.value

The InputHandler.wait_on_input() method will block code processing until user input is received. Input should always be checked before processing.

In case some other work needs to be done before user input is received, then pass a callback to the constructor of the InputHandler class and do not use the InputHandler.wait_on_input() method. However, the callback is using the event loop so it won’t be called until event loop processing is active. If concurrent input is used then this callback might never get called!

If what a user types must not be displayed, then the PasswordInputHandler class should be used. It shares most of its implementation with the InputHandler but overrides how to obtain the code. For more info look at the PasswordInputHandler class documentation.

Concurrent input

Concurrent input is something which should be avoided. It drags unexpected behavior into an application and is hard to debug. However, there could be an instance when user input is required immediately, even when an application is already waiting for other input.

By default, every attempt for concurrent input will raise an exception and kill the application to prevent unexpected behavior. In order to allow for concurrent input, the InputHandler.skip_concurrency_check property must be set. After this property is disabled for the InputHandler instance, then the handler instance then it can support concurrent input.

The last registered concurrent input will result in dropping all other waiting inputs – even other waiting inputs with InputHandler.skip_concurrency_check will be dropped. The dropped waiting inputs will get a failed input signal to unblock InputHandler.wait_on_input() methods.

Creating a custom InputHandler

If the InputHandler class or the PasswordInputHandler class is not enough, developers can create their own handler. The structure of an input handler is based on two classes. First is a handler itself, and second is the request object it creates.

The handler class is used as an interface for the rest of the application. It also creates the requester instance. The requester object is a low-level implementation of obtaining user input. The requester object has to have the get_input method and should contain the text_prompt method. The get_input method is called in a separate thread and should prompt the user for input. The text_prompt method is required mainly for concurrent input, and it returns a string representation of the prompt.

For more details, please look at the implementation of the InputHandler class.

InputHandler class

class simpleline.input.input_handler.InputHandler(callback=None, source=None)

Create thread object containing all the information how to get user input.

Returns:Instance of class inherited from simpleline.input.InputThread.

Use prompt to ask for user input and wait (non-blocking) on user input.

This is an asynchronous call. If you want to wait for user input then use the wait_on_input method. If you want to get results asynchronously then register callback in constructor or by the set_callback method.

Check if user input was already received can be done by the input_received method call.

Parameters:prompt (String or Prompt instance.) – Ask user what you want to get.
Returns:User input.
Return type:str

Was user input already received?

Returns:True if yes, False otherwise.

Was input successful?


Set a callback to get user input asynchronously.

Parameters:callback (Method with 1 argument which is user input: def cb(user_input)) – Callback called when user write their input.

Is this InputHandler skipping concurrency check?

:returns bool


Get source of this input.

Returns:Anything probably UIScreen.

Return user input.

Returns:String or None if no is input received.

Blocks execution till the user input is received.

Events will works as expected during this blocking.

Please check the input_successful method to test the input.

PasswordInputHandler class

class simpleline.input.input_handler.PasswordInputHandler(callback=None, source=None)

Return PasswordInputThread for getting user password.


Use prompt to ask for user input and wait (non-blocking) on user input.

This is an asynchronous call. If you want to wait for user input then use the wait_on_input method. If you want to get results asynchronously then register callback in constructor or by the set_callback method.

Check if user input was already received can be done by the input_received method call.

Parameters:prompt (String or Prompt instance.) – Ask user what you want to get.
Returns:User input.
Return type:str

Was user input already received?

Returns:True if yes, False otherwise.

Was input successful?


Set a callback to get user input asynchronously.

Parameters:callback (Method with 1 argument which is user input: def cb(user_input)) – Callback called when user write their input.

Set a function for getting passwords.


Is this InputHandler skipping concurrency check?

:returns bool


Get source of this input.

Returns:Anything probably UIScreen.

Return user input.

Returns:String or None if no is input received.

Blocks execution till the user input is received.

Events will works as expected during this blocking.

Please check the input_successful method to test the input.